We had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad trip. Not due to any pregnancy or health concerns though thankfully. We were supposed to leave Norfolk at 5:40pm and arrive in Chicago at 7:00pm. Instead we left Norfolk at 4:00pm and arrived in Chicago (via Dulles in DC, two cancelled flights and three airplanes) at 4:00am. Needless to say, we WILL NOT EVER AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON be flying United again. And United will be hearing from me.
However, we did eventually arrive in Chicago, and amazingly, so did all three pieces of our luggage. Mom and Dad Shipp were there to pick us up and drive us to the hotel we were staying at (over 2 hours away from the airport) and we were able to get two or three hours of sleep before spending a fantastic day and a half with Dad Shipp's side of the family.
On Sunday, we drove back from Chicago and had Christmas at Mom and Dad Shipp's house with them and Kyle and Kristen. We got lots of baby stuff and an AMAZING rug from my Aunt Bettie that my Great Aunt Mae made.
On New Years Eve we had lunch at Rugerro's (YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY) and ran some quick errands. Richard went with his parents to see I am Ledgend and I went with mom to see PS I Love You (not nearly as good as the book). Then we all met up at Richard's grandparents house for a New Year's Eve party.
This morning, we started out 2008 with a good 9 inches of snow outside and Richard is estatic. I'm just wondering how that's going to work out with the flip flops I have that are the only shoes that fit my feet.....we'll see.