Looking for our Wish Lists? Here they are.

Monday, March 31, 2008

We (Lillian and Stacey) just got back from Florida and we had a great trip seeing everyone.

Lillian had her "2 month" checkup this morning and she now weighs 8 pounds!!!! She is 21 inches long also. What a great grower she is. She has been a little piggy this last week and now its paying off.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Ashley's too short visit

A summary of quotes from our time together:

I should call the cops.

That's hot!

The tattoos I get take hours.

What did you do? Sleep with the boss?

That's time out of my life I'll never get back.

I will not let you take the baby in there.

Are you punking me man?

I have stuff I haven't even told you.

Wow, a full subscription to BET!

Another free subscription to BET.

Nothing like calling attention to ourselves.

Wow, I don't fit in and its a grocery store.

She looks hot doesn't she?

Parking garages scare me.

Firemen...hi! Ooh, there's a copper too!

Now that's gonna shoot right out of her butt.

I will if you pull over... NOT HERE!!!

Exotic boutique - we should go there.

I'm gonna do the butt out the front window thing.

That was the worst night of her entire life.

Key word: lopping!

When a girl my size gets hungry, its not pretty.

It's only cuz it doesn't have a dirty connotation.

All the people at work think I'm doing drugs.

You know I'm mad when I say flippin' and freakin' that many times.

Oh, we're gonna die!

I've been thru more tunnels today than in the whole past year.

Low fuel...WHAT?!?!

Stacey tried to kill me in the tunnel.

I want a cookie...and some more pie. Only one cookie?!?!


Do you have spiders in your bathroom?

And after that he was no longer living as far as I was concerned.

He was just like "I have to rescue my Cinderella".

My stomach just went WHOP.

I just about peed my pants.

I just want to get on my suitcase and ride it.

It was a pleasure serving you.

I wouldn't want to be strapped in like I'm going to space either.

I wonder how many people heard you say you wanted to date your cousin?


He was really mad at you!

Pretty sure it was a shehe.

He was adjusting his tummy.


AAUUGGGHHH!! I thought you were a rat!!!!!

PS-Full details provided upon request.

Friday, March 14, 2008

We read Lillian her first book and she was completely unfazed.

We have continued to take her in the shower and she continues to love it. Water streaming down her face doesn't even make her cry. We're doing our best to create a waterbaby out of her. So far so good. We'll see how she does in a pool.

She got her first manicure and pedicure, much to her father's ridicule, but it looks so adorable.

Tomorrow night is her first sunday school party and Sunday night brings another dinner with Landon and Lena. Monday brings.....


We're just a little excited.

I'm going to update her accomplishment list tonight, I promise. I wonder how long they'll let me get the list before they start cutting it off?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

We took Lilly to the pedi again yesterday. He's quickly becoming her most frequent visitor :-(

She has just been overly fussy all weekend and that's not her at all. Turns out she has a reflux problem and so we're trying Zantac to see how that will help with the gas from both ends.

However, she has only gained 5 ounces in two weeks and is now only up to 6 lbs 11 ozs, which sounded good to me at first, until I realized that she still, at 7 weeks, has not gained a full pound form her birth weight. Hmmm.... So, we're back to the every two hour force feedings. Not fun. For me or her. She always looks at us like, "you're not seriously going to shove that thing in my face again ALREADY are you?!?"

I'm still having serious supply issues and we're working with the lactation consultants to try all our options to increase it. Nothing we've tried has worked so far.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008

March Mayhem

I can't even believe it's March already. Time has FLOWN by. We've just been hanging out in wonderment of Little Miss Lillian and somehow its March. This month not only will bring her 2 month marker, my 26th birthday (OH MY WORD!), and a vacation to Florida for Grandma Harris' 75th birthday, but it brings the arrival of ASHLEY!!!!!!! Other than the wedding and the birth, this ranks right up there with top most awaited moments of my life. I cannot wait. It will be three days PACKED full of fabulous fun.

Lilly is doing magnificently although she has perfected her banshee scream and I'm sure the neighbors debate calling child protective services daily, thinking we must be neglecting her. She has been eating up a storm, which is great for her weight issues, which we are hoping are a thing of the past. She has a bit of a cold still and she absolutely hates the saline spray we've been told to use. She has been sleeping in the swing to be upright and seems to be doing better.

The other most exciting thing ever...we actually found some pants that fit her-kind of. They are "skinny leggings" from Gap, meant to be skin tight like tights but at least they mostly fit her. They only had two colors, but we bought both of them. She finally has something to cover her little legs! And we got her a swimsuit and a sun hat too, both are big, but will work for vacation in Florida.

PS-Birthday lists available upon request :-P