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Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the 13th

After the longest interview in history...well, besides Donald Trump's 13 week apprentice.....I now have another job offer that would be rediculous to take. This interview was at 4:00p.m. I got done at 6:45 pm. It was to be the Office Manager/Assistant Director of a "day school". Which is just a wierd way of saying day care. However I would be responsible for answering all phones, greeting all parents, doing all payroll, doing all orders, purchasing, grocery shopping, errands, bookeeping for purchasing and all child tuition payments. I would be responsible for staff timecards, emergency forms, medicines, and planning the menu. All of this without a computer. Yes....a daycare without a computer. Not a single one. How wrong is that. Un-absolutely-believable!!!! Needless to say I'm not going to voluntarily give myself writer's cramp all the way across town through that traffic for $8 an hour. No thanks.

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