Friday, December 28, 2007
We leave this afternoon for Chicago and then Michigan after that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No new posting for two weeks......not that that will surprise you, not much posting at all these days -- oops.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I have not had any contractions since I left the hospital. He said she is measuring right at 30 weeks (which I will be on Friday) and that her heartbeat was great. He said her movement is great, she is moving around a lot and that if I were close to labor, she would be slowing down and settling down to prepare for birth.
He said there is currently no infection present, the prescription he gave me, might have kicked a bladder infection or sinus infection that was just starting and causing all this ruckus, but that nothing was present now so that was good.
He said he wants me on modified bedrest for now, which means no work (easy since I'm not working), no exercise and no lifting. Also, just doing what feels okay and resting when I feel tired. He did tell me that I can pull the "bedrest" card whenever I want. :-)
I asked about the shot being good for only one dose, and best within 7 days of delivery. He said yes, that is true and on Sunday he was thinking that was possible. But as of today he would say there is no way I will deliver within the next two weeks and he would be "extremely surprised" if I delivered in two or three weeks. He said if he hadn't been there himself Sunday/Monday he would not know anything unusual had happened, everything today looked excellent and apparently the happenings in the hospital were something strange that was stopped with the medication and has no indications of appearing again.
I asked about the travel to MI and Chicago and he asked if it would be more stress to go or not go as that was really the deciding factor at this point. He said he would go and if it was his daughter he would tell her to go, but as his patient he has to tell me "You're crazy."
He said to make sure and know where hospitals are in each location and how to get there. And of course, there is always a possibility I will have her while I am gone, but no more chance of that than he told me two weeks ago at my appointment!!!
He said that he wants to see me on the 28th (the day we fly out) to give me a "hopefully great" report, so I will know as I get on the plane, that everything was perfect a few hours before. Of course, there is always the possibility that I would be dialated at that point (although he finds that highly unlikely) and not be able to go, but at least we would have seen him right before we're scheduled to leave.
I am soooooooooooooooooo thrilled at all of this good news! It is definintly the result of all the people out there thinking about and praying for us, and we appreciate it SO much.
Now, I just ask that everyone pray that we do not have her while on vacation, and she waits until we are back here in Virginia.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Pray for LIlly (and us)
When we went in they said I was having regular contractions and was dialated to 1. They admitted me overnight and ran lots of tests. They took bloodwork and gave me lots of IV liquids. They gave me a round of three shots of Terbutaline to try to stop the contractions, and for the most part it seems to have worked so far. They gave me a shot of Betamethasone to develop her lungs faster in case she is born early.
I was realeased about lunch time to come back tomorrow morning and get another round of testing, a "non stress test" and another Betamethasone shot (you have to have two, 24 hours apart). I was also given a prescription to kill any infection that may or may not have a part in causing all of this.
We (R and I) are most concerned about the Betamethasone, as everything we can find online (from trusted sources) say the drug is given once in pregnancy (in two doses, 24 hours apart) when the doctor feels delivery is "expected" within 0-7 days, being most effective 24 hours from the first dose to 7 days from the last dose. It is not able to be repeated in a second (or third, or fourth) course as it used to be, because of undeterminded health effects to the mother and baby, so doctors are instructed to use it when they think birth is "expected" within 1 week.
I called my OB before going in and the L&D were in constant contact with him by phone. He came to see me at the hospital this morning, but we will not really know anything more defininte until I see him in his office on Wednesday afternoon. I am on bedrest until Wednesday at least.
I am 29 weeks and 2 days now and the earliest doc feels "comfortable" with is 34, but we're not sure we're going to make it that long. Just pray please.
Another (seemingly smaller) thing to pray about is that because of my bad veins (increased difficulty to find with pregnancy) and between taking blood, giving me shots and inserting IVs (and repeated attempts at all of these) they have "used up" my veins in all the normal and a little wierd places. Once you get a stick in one area the hospital won't do it in that same area for more than 72 hours, so if something comes up within the next three days, I get an IV in my foot and shots and bloodwork done in some other seemingly awful place.
Thanks, Stacey and Richard
Monday, December 3, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
The latest drama
I have been having some lovely pregancy complications for the last week or two. Namely,
Repeated Temporary Blindness with white twinkling lights
Numbness and Tingling in both hands
So...I've been in close contact with my ob this week, talking to him multiple times on the phone and in his office on Wednesday and again today. He did ten thousand (at least it felt like that) tests including blood and urine tests, blood pressure checks, baby fetal monitoring, baby measurements, neurological exams and of course more bloodwork.
He said the contractions would happen from here on out and were nothing to worry about. Just to call him if I "have more than 4 an hour, cuz then you're having a baby".
On Wednesday he told me he was going to set me up with an opthamologist and a neurologist to check on the "blackouts" and the hand numbness. I saw the ob this morning at 9am for a shot and follow up tests from Wednesday. Then at 1, I went to the neurologist and at 3:15 I went to the opthamologist.
The neurologist did a thourough neurological exam and used needles and electrodes up and down both arms to test for carpel tunnel. He said I do indeed have "severe carpel tunnel" in both wrists, so much so that he was surprised my hands, the right one especially, are still functioning. He prescribed a wrist splint for the right arm and gave me cortizone shots (NOT FUN AT ALL) in both wrists.
Yes, for the ones who are keeping track, this is over 50 needles now that I have had in my body TODAY ALONE.
He said I have a good, but not guarranteed chance of it going away after delivery. Most pregnancy carpel tunnel goes away within 1-2 weeks of delivery but because mine is so severe and hereditary (thanks Mom), he is not going to tell me that will happen for me.
My sight has been going completely going black, both eyes, and seeing white twinkling lights, lasting for 3-5 seconds each time, but no headaches or dizziness. He said this was "troublesome" to him because if it was accompanied by headaches or dizziness or lasted for 5-15 minutes, it would just be associated with migranes and he would prescribe me a pill, but since mine did not fit that description that would not do.
The only other time he has seen this type of thing is when the person has a hole in their heart. So, he is setting me up for testing at the hospital, a total of three tests, for now. And bloodwork, of course. He said it might not be a hole in the heart, but obviously we want to rule that out first. He said if something alarming comes back or if he wants more testing done right away, he will call me. In the meantime, call him if they start to happen more frequently.
The good news is the opthamologist said he found no problems with my vision, both my glasses and contacts are the correct perscription and he (through MANY tests) found no eyesight problems.
Barring anything unusual (I know, I know, but I can hope)...
I see the ob again December 14.
I see the neurologist again January 14.
I see the opthamologist again December 21.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Our First Christmas Card
Thanks Joe & Shannon
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
96 days........................................
Anywho, while I was reading their blog I was thinking of the need to update our blog. So I click the necessary buttons to open our blog and am immediately confronted with "only 96 days to go!" Like I am supposed to be joyful about this rather than be filled with a sense of dread and fear that I have 96 days left of this.
This being the facts below:
-If I go more than 12 minutes without admiring my bathroom walls it is a good 12 minutes.
-Our daughter seems to have inherited the restless side of Richard
-And she is obviously taking up wrestling at such a young age, what a prodigy
-Little Miss seems to never sleep, which might actually be the exclamation point to that 96 days left, unless you realize that means that
-I never sleep more than 20 minutes at a time...If I am lucky, and make it past the normal 12 minute bathroom break
-I have now outgrown several maternity tops. This is just thrilling.
-I am in constant fear that my water will break on the plane somewhere over Kansas and 150 angry passengers will not only throw their pretzels at me but it will be months and months after that before I can say "we're not in Kansas anymore".
-I know in my mind that everyone who has two legs and two feet has two ankles, but somewhere along this process, mine have left the premesis. I was told the other day that this process left me with "cankles" only to have that person be corrected by someone else to say "no, this is beyond cankles, those are thighs".
-I constantly have an awful taste in my mouth and feel something stuck in my throat, about which there is nothing the doctor can do and water, ironically, seems to only make it worse.
-I can no longer bend over. This has been true for awhile but was not as much of an issue when I could use my go go gadget toes to pick up whatever I needed.
-Today I had to have Richard paint my toenails. They are, we'll say, a work of art. He also enjoyed painting my foot and my me "a friend" for when I get lonely. (Have no fear, I cannot reach my toes, but I can reach his upper arm. And he now has a friend also).
However, despite how the above lists may sound, we're estatic to be having a child. Well, not the one time act of having, I could do without that, but the lifelong process. And we can't wait til February 22, although it seems like its more than 96 days away, but should be so much less.
We have our first "birthing/parenting" class at the hospital on Monday. The first of about 12, seems like a little overkill, but who knows. We are supposed to take a doll or stuffed animal. I hope a 10 inch pig made with love by Gund will suffice in preparing Richard for diapering our daughter. I'm not buying the $50 version that is "lifelike" (yes, including the bodily secretions) when we will have our own version soon.
Richard's parents are coming on Wednesday, and possibly his aunt and uncle. I cannot even begin to explain how excited I am. Not being at work since last Monday, I am more than ready for some entertainment. And I'm thinking they will be roped in to Christmas decorating also. Nothing better than that.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Richard is working all nights now. He leaves around 2 pm (sometimes earlier) and generally gets home about 10, sometimes as early as 8 or as late as 12. He likes the fact that they are generally more relaxed on the night shift and he gets along with most of the people there.
I have seen the doctor a couple of times. He has done lots of tests. I will find out on Thursday the results of last weeks bloodwork to determine the cause of lots of foot swelling. I also take the test for Gestational Diabetes this week. Hopefully I will pass that with flying colors. There was a (very slim) chance that I might have TB but thankfully the test for that came back negative. For now I'm supposed to keep doing as I have been: not doing much, staying off my feet and not wearing any shoes that 1)are heels, 2) are dress shoes or 3) lace up. Yes, I am as lost as you about what this leaves other than flip flops in the winter.
We ended up trading in my car. (The stratus that I bought brand new four years ago and the only new car I've ever bought.) But it wasn't actually as sad as I thought. We had been planning to trade it in sometime soon for a vehicle that had more room for a stroller and baby stuff, but not quite this soon. But when Mom and Dad were here, he noticed that the tires had another week left on them, if we were lucky. So we went ahead and switched out. We traded for a 2004 Chrysler Pacifica, technically it is a "crossover SUV". I love it. It drives really nice, no different than the car really, and it has all the same features: power seats, six disc cd changer, auto stick, etc. Plus some new ones: memory seats, dual temperature controlls, an automatic (opening and closing) hatch, and my favorite of all, moveable foot pedals. The only thing I really miss is the automatic starter, but I've asked for that for Christmas. It has six bucket seats that all fold down seperately to be flat. Its great.
We have been working on Lillian's room a lot, changing it from just a guest room with a Red and Tan motif to a guest room/Lilly's room with a hot pink and orange motif. Richard has changed lots of the art on the walls and put up a set of fantastic mirrors. I just finished making some new curtains for the windows.
We are excited to have Richard's parents come down for Thanksgiving. It will be nice to entertain again, let alone at a holiday.
I got told on Wednesday that I am being let go from my job because they have decided after four months of working part time that they really don't want someone working part time. So its back to mac n cheese every night. lol. Not that that bothers me really. It was just a surprise at this time that we wern't really planning on. Oh well, it will all work out somehow.
I have put pictures of LIlly's room and the new car and even Great Wolf I think on our picture site, at
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Busy, busy, busy

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Sugar Frosted Goodness

We spent this morning making some frosted sugar cookies in honor of Lillian/Dad Brill's Birthday & love of Michigan/Fall. Here is a small sampling...with a random easter egg and pig thrown in for good fun.
You Shipp's should get a good look at this frosting job, realizing you will not see this when you come :-), if you're lucky your's will be frosted with one solid color.
Friday, September 14, 2007

Left side profile, she's scratching her head wondering why this person keeps banging on her home.

The result of all the banging...a perfect shot.

A straight on head/face shot, although I think only the trained eye can tell.
Lilly weighs 6 ounces and is 6 1/2 inches long. The dr. said she is basically a half full can of pop, size wise and weight wise. The hematoma is slightly smaller than last time even and the blood work came back negative for downs syndrome. Excellent news all around.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
...and she currently weighs a whopping 6 ounces.
The ultrasound yesterday confirmed it. We are going to have a little girl in February. We have decided on a name and will soon post that.
The ultrasound tech said everything was looking good and I will follow up with the dr. tomorrow. She gave us a couple pictures too, and those will be posted in a day or so when I get the energy :-) If you're going to die if you have to wait, send me an email and I can email the file to you.
We are excited to start buying little girl stuff, but dismayed to find that most infant stuff is only made in pastel colors, how dull. The search is on for bright clothes, blankets and room stuff.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Blah, blah, blah
We did go out on Monday to an outlet mall about an hour away. We were mostly looking for clothes for me but didn't have much luck. But it was fun to spend a day together away from the house.
We're excited to have mom & dad and gma & gpa (his) coming in just over a week, that should be really fun as well as help time pass a little faster. Then, just a week after that mom & dad and Kyle and Kristen are coming out. Then we'll be in the second week of October and our first anniversary. As slowly as time seems to be going sometimes, it seems to have gone pretty fast for this first year.
Thankfully the first three months were the most eventful in a bad way and things have calmed down since then. Right now we're starting to look for a new vehicle, prepare for baby (of course) and decide what we want to do about housing. Lots of changes coming up but for now its just same ole, same ole.
R is working nights but so far has not gotten home later than 10 so I at least get to see him to say goodnight. That has been really nice, but we've been warned not to get used to that. He's still waiting to hear if he gets the leave he requested for when family will be here. Hopefully he will, they have some fun ideas planned for us to do together. I am still working 3 days a week, and for right now I am still on temp status even though I've put in my 3 months hours wise. But things are pretty hectic there right now so the boss just wants to keep me on as temp now til he has time to think about the best way to go forward. The problem is that no one at the company is part time except for me, so he's having a hard time hiring me normally, but is trying to work something else out. Who knows, but for now, everything is still the same, and I'm still getting paid so we're all good.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Labor Day
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Shopping for baby
What we know right now is colors for the nursery:
Girl: Bright Pink and Orange
Boy: Chocolate Brown and Orange
We are not a fan of pastels, for the nursery, blankets, clothing anything.
That's all for now, soon I will be getting the registries all up and going.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Thursday update
However, it shrunk from the size of a 5.5cm 3D sphere to that of a 3cm flat circle. This way, not only is is less in size, it also takes up almost no room, as it is basically flat. The difference of a baseball in my uterus compared to a piece of cardboard.
He said the baby is 3.5 inches long from head to butt (or CRL Crown Rump Length), which is right on target. Because of this good progress, he is moving my dr. appt schedule to "normal" which means I see him not again til 16.5 weeks, 4 weeks from now. This is good, but I was liking the pictures every two weeks.
Also, he told me, that in the third "set" of ultrasound pictures on our website, you can see the hematoma very clearly. This is actually the 5th picture down if you're counting the ones with the arrows and non arrows. The baby is laying on his/her back and you can see a white circular, U shaped object hanging down right next to the baby. This is the hematoma, ideally, this whole area around the baby would be a black sphere.
He also said he couldn't endorse travel at all in the 3rd trimester but he wouldn't stop me at the airport. He said the major risk is blood clots. He said air travel is much better than car travel though, as the most I can be in a seated position from this point out is 2 1/2 hours. I have to sit for 2 1/2 hours, then get up and walk around and eat/drink for at least a half hour before sitting again. Not bad, we can handle that. Now we just have to hope that everything is boringly normal from here on out so I have no questions about traveling by air home for Christmas, when I am 31 weeks preggo.
All in all, the baby is doing completely better than last appointment, when we had pretty dismal results. We are so excited! As I think I said last time, we might actually have this kid after all.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
12 weeks 4 days

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Boy or Girl?
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
4D Ultrasound

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
10 week 4 day ultrasound

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Both of these surprised me when I came home from a long day of work yesterday. Not only two vases of roses but also a COMPLETELY clean house. It was great.
I worked M-W-F this week and it killed me. For some reason my body is acting as if there's a switch in it....When I lay down I feel fine (and bored) and want to get up and do something. However, if I get up (including sitting up) I feel awful, have bleeding, nausea and pains in my stomach. I talked to the dr. and he said just to keep doing what I'm doing for now, the three days a week, until the end of the first trimester, unless anything gets worse than it is now. So that is what we're doing, working 3 days a week and laying flat most of the rest of the time. Craziness....
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Lots of information, not lots of answers
He said I was okay to go off bedrest but to take it easy still. He said it was okay for me to go back to work on Monday. He said nothing I do, bedrest included, will help or hurt at this point. I have found information online that agrees with this and information that conflicts. I am going to tell work I can come back on Monday, but only working M-W-F next week and see how that goes before going full time.
I go back on Tuesday the 31st for another ultrasound and then again on the 2nd for a follow up with the dr.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Our tough little gummybear

Monday, July 16, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
Its alive and beating!!!!!

This is just a closer up shot the dr. took showing just the sac and the baby.
We still have an appointment next week for a full spectrum ultrasound which will give us the exact (almost) age of the baby and let us LISTEN to the heartbeat :-D YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The dr. said....EVERYTHING IS GOOD!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Our weekend
Anywho, we picked Logan up from a friend's house and he came over for a bit. Then we picked up two more of his friends and we all went to Cheesecake Factory. It was such a fun night. We just sat there for two hours or so and chatted. Then we had to take them to the boat. We were able to drive right up next to the boat, which was the closest I've ever been. It was neat except there were lots of families there saying good bye to their dads/husbands and it was really sad.
Saturday we went to the mall for a little bit but had to come home because I was so exhausted. I mostly just laid around for the rest of the day.
Sunday we went to Sunday School but couldn't stay for church cuz I wasn't feeling very good. So, surprise, surprise, I just laid around for the rest of the day Sunday too. Richard spent two hours cleaning up and doing laundry which was marvelous. I see everything and want to do it but I just don't have the energy to get up. Or if I do, I immediately feel sick. Its very odd.
But that was our weekend and now its off to another week of joy at work !!! Yipee!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Oh Boy!
1. It must be a boy name (no, we don't know yet, that is way down the road, we just have lots of girls' names that we like).
2. It must be a first name only (we have a middle) that goes well with Brill.
3. It must be a long name that has a shorter version or common nickname. For example: Jonathan (Jon) or Samuel (Sam). However.....
4. It must not be a common name-no Jon's or Sam's allowed. It must be unique but not wierd. If its on any top 10 list, we don't want it.
There, if you feel you must offer suggestions, this is the area we could really use help in.
Again, we DO NOT KNOW THE SEX OF THE BABY, we just have girl names we like already.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
On the baby side of things, we started looking at names this week. I am thouroughly convinced choosing a name will be harder than 18 years of raising that same child. We have several good books, some that we purchased, and two that were loaned to me, so we've been reading up.
Yesterday and today I have been very panicky about losing another one. Part of me knows its probably silly, yet part of me knows its very real. Its been a very long weekend.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Dr. appt
He has scheduled an ultrasound for July 17 and says he should be able to tell me how far along I really am and we should be able to hear the heartbeat. Whee!! I think we will all feel more comfortable after that. As a precaution, he did put me on bedrest other than work. Not that I am doing anything other than work anyways, by the time I get home, I crash and that's that.
Some people have requested monthly nekkid belly shots. Not gonna happen people...not in a million trillion years. Nope, nada, never. Just so you all know, and can quit asking.
Updates are probably going to be fewer these next few (hopefully very few) weeks, not only do I not have the energy to write, but I have nothing other than puke and sleep to talk about.
R is doing great. School is going good for him, back to everyday classes, he's set to graduate the middle of August. He is excited about this pregnancy, I think the shock got him last time and this time he was almost ready for it, even though it was still very much a surprise.
So that's our news....just pray, pray, pray that everything goes well from here on out.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Saturday, June 9, 2007

Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Coke Insanity
Thursday, May 31, 2007

Monday, May 28, 2007
We celebrated R's promotion with Coldstone Creamery ice cream yesterday....possibly the best idea ever.
Today we just took it slow and relaxed.
We also bought a 46" LCD flat panel TV, a camcorder, new uniform items for R and another Playstation 3 wireless controller. We have had wedding money saved for the TV, waiting to buy it after we moved. Then, we signed up for the NEX credit card to get 10% off the TV and because we got 10% off for the whole day, we decided to buy the other stuff now as well.
Thats all for now, we're tired and still have stuff to do before bed.
R will be making an update in a day or so, nothing spectacular, just cuz he hasn't in a while.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Three day weekend
Richard is still "on hold" for class so he gets home about 10 every day...Rough. He had today AND Monday off for the holiday... also rough. But he did have duty today so he had to work from 3-7:30.
Tomorrow I have a dr. appt at 7:45 am. Now that is rough. But oh well, better than during the week and missing work. Then we are headed to the Pungo Strawberry Festival. Should be fun, its a big thing around here.
On Monday, we talked about going to the parade in Portsmouth, its the oldest in the nation, celebrating its 130th year or something crazy like that. Who knows.
We're also running lots of errands this weekend...hallmark, the commissary, the bank, etc.
So, not much new, which makes it hard to have an exciting blog, but we will try to update it more often, even if its not horribly exciting.
Friday, May 18, 2007
If it ever stops raining here, we are thinking we'll go back to Busch Gardens this weekend, since it was so much fun last weekend. I can't wait to go back. I'm so glad we got season tickets.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Busch Gardens and more

Crazy coasters at Busch Gardens.

A neat building we saw from the interstate.

Another view of the three seats hanging off the side of the Griffon.